About Us

Hello, Welcome to Patel Today. We provide you with latest news, gossip, articles, about Patels throughout the world. The goal of Patel Today is to create a one destination platform which provides the information about Patels who are spread globally. The articles include articles related to the history of the Patel community, social issues related with the Patel community, discussions about the future of Patel community, cultural practices of the Patel community etc.

In coming days, we will also provide daily news updates about the Patels spread throughout the world.

About Patel Community

Technically Patel is a surname. But this surname has been used primarily to refer to Patidars in Gujarat and Kurmi / Kurmi Kshatriyas in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Assam etc. So, all Kurmis / Patidars are Patels but not all who use Patel surname are Kurmis/ Patidars.

At PatelToday.Com, Patel community refers to the Patidar community which is also known as Kurmi / Kurmi Kshatriya in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam etc.

To know more about Patel Community Click Here.